We are looking for dedicated, hard working, serious individuals that want to make good $$$.
Your duties include:
Informing our business to potential clients
Getting clients to sign with us
Advertising our services to others
You will receive $20 for the first client you get to sign with our company then earn $40 for all the other clients you get to sign with us.. You can easily make $100 a day part time.
What you will do is, e-mail me coniglio_sam@hotmail.com with all the information of the client that wants our services, that way I know that you are the one who should be paid. When that client purchases our services, you will receive $20 for that client then $40 for all others. The more business you bring in the better chance that you will be offered a full time salary paid position with us. Send the potential client the package deals listed on our website http://youaremobile.blogspot.com/. If they are serious about wanting our services, you must e-mail me the clients info so I may contact them directly. That way I know it was YOU who sealed the deal and you will be credited $20.
Hand out business cards.
Make sure that the client works through you directly (that way you get the credit for that client)
Do what it takes to get that client to work with us.
Copy all the package deals on our website and show them to potential clients.
e-mail me your info at coniglio_sam@hotmail.com if you are ready to make $$.
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